Mentor Training
Student Profiles
Kindergarten --> 2nd Grade
Who Am I?
I am 5-8 years old
I like attention, especially from adults
I have lots of energy and like to run around
What I Know
I am learning and practicing my reading, writing, and alphabet
I am beginning to use my problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
I enjoy hands-on tasks
I want to be creative and inventive
I can follow multi-step directions
What I Can Do
I am developing my fine motor skills: cutting, coloring in the lines, etc.
I am continuing to work on gross motor skills like catching, balancing, etc.
How I Interact
I am beginning to interact with peers and make friends
I am practicing sharing and taking turns
I want to please you and make you proud of me
I Talk About
My family
Things I have done
YouTube and Streaming shows that I like
What is or isn't fair or right
How I Feel
I am developing confidence in myself
I need to be encouraged when I do something well or when I show effort
I am ready to take more responsibility for myself
I need consistency and routine
What Should We Do Together?
Games: board games, sports, catch, jump rope, card games, tic-tac-toe, puzzles
Crafts: coloring, cutting, tracing, painting, building, drawing
School: reading, writing stories, practicing math facts, counting money, telling time
3rd grade --> 5th Grade
Who Am I?
I am 8-11 years old
I like having out with my friends and want their approval
I like learning about things in my world
What I Know
I can write paragraphs and short stories
I am learning/working on multiplication and division
I like to read chapter books, both fiction and non-fiction
I am interested in different cultures, regions, peoples, etc.
I like to read about current events
What I Can Do
I enjoy activities that test my coordination, speed, and accuracy
I am learning how to be part of a team and like playing team sports
I am starting to notice more differences between boys and girls
How I Interact
I enjoy competition and winning
I need to feel like I fit in, especially in a group of my peers
I prefer the advice of my friends to the advice of my parents
I Talk About
My friends
Clubs or sports
How I Feel
I am becoming my own person and want to demonstrate my independence
I sometimes feel insecure and unsure of myself
My feelings are influenced by the critique and praise of others
What Should We Do Together?
Games: sports, board games, card games, computer games, completing more complex puzzles
Crafts: scrapbooking, drawing, painting, building
School: multiplication, division, writing stories, science experiments